Angela Constance, Member of the Scottish Parliament for Almond Valley Constituency
  • 01506 460403

  • angela.constance.msp@parliament.scot

    Unit 4, Ochil House, Beveridge Square, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6QF


General Questions To ask the Scottish Government how a public health approach to justice can reduce

Published date : 9 May 2024

2. Ruth Maguire (Cunninghame South) (SNP): To ask the Scottish Government how a public health approach to justice can reduce crime and make communities safer. (S6O-03413)
The Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs (Angela Constance): Our vision for justice emphasises the importance of the public health approach to justice and community safety. Evidence shows that community interventions can be...

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    • www.angelaconstance.scot

    • 01506 460403

    • angela.constance.msp@parliament.scot

      Unit 4, Ochil House, Beveridge Square, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6QF

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